Community Bible Church Awana Clubs
Welcome! Our Awana Clubs are open to children 3 years old* through high school teens. The children's Awana clubs meet from 6:30-8:00 pm on Wednesday evenings during the school year. Teens who want to continue working towards youth awards can work independently under the C-Track option.
We will have our Parent Orientation/Meet Your Leader Night on August 21. Our first club night will be August 28.
*Must have turned 3 years old by August 31, 2024. Our preschool program (Cubbies) is for the two years prior to kindergarten.
Awana Kick Off/Parent Orientation
Please plan to join us on Wednesday, August 21, at 6:30 pm for our kickoff! Two identical 25-minute parent orientations will be offered for all clubs so that parents can learn more about expectations for the year and meet the Directors. Clubbers can come meet their leaders while their parents are in orientation! We will also have an ice cream/popsicle social from 7:00-7:15!
Parent Volunteers Welcome
CBC's Awana program serves a large number of families outside our church family, and it can be a challenge to have enough volunteers to meet that extended need, so let us know if you are a parent interested in serving as an Awana volunteer! CBC has a volunteer application process that helps ensure we provide a safe and welcoming environment for the kids. Contact Kris Gerbrandt ( if you're interested!
March 12 (Wed) | Awana meeting Section assigned to Meeting:
March 26 (Wed) | Awana meeting Section assigned to Meeting:
April 2 (Wed) | Awana meeting Section assigned to Meeting:
Baseball Night |
April 9 (Wed) | Awana meeting Section assigned to Meeting: